Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paula's Big Give

Paula is a loyal WBFJ listener and a quadriplegic. She cannot move from the neck down and breathes with a tube. But her physical limitations are far surpassed by her inner strength, a beautiful heart and her motivation to serve others.

Paula sponsors at least 2 kids through Compassion International. She writes, with the help of her nurse, Debbie, to several others. She participates in the Salvation Army Stocking Stuff and Operation Christmas Child.  Every year at Easter, she visits WBFJ and brings chocolate eggs for the staff, at Christmas it's Red Velvet Cake. One time while she was here, I commented on how long her hair had gotten, it was twisted into a long braid starting at the top of her head. She told me that she was growing it out for “Locks of Love” an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients from donated hair.

And that’s when it hit me. There have been so many occasions where I’ve had the opportunity to serve and have let excuses like “I’m too busy” or “I’m too tired” or, even “I’m not qualified” get in the way. Yet, here is a lady who, instead of being trapped by what she cannot do, has turned her attention to one of the things she can do…grow hair.

We all have our limitations and excuses. On the other hand, God has given each of us unique gifts that he expects us to share with others. If we focus on where we fall short we risk never discovering the wonderful things we do have to offer and becoming the person God intended us to be.

God created you complete with special gifts. What you have to offer is no less valuable than what anyone else has to give … 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 tells us: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.”

Let’s take some time today to pray that God will show us clearly how we can best use our unique gifts to serve Him.

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